hysop.operator.redistribute module

Setup for data transfer/redistribution between topologies or operators

`.. currentmodule : hysop.operator.redistribute

  • Redistribute generate the optimal set of RedistributeOperatorBase instances

    for one or multiple variables given candidate source topolgies and one output topology.

class hysop.operator.redistribute.Redistribute(variables, source_topos, target_topo, components=None, name=None, pretty_name=None, base_kwds=None, **kwds)[source]

Bases: ComputationalGraphNodeGenerator

Node generator generating redistribute operators.

Initialize a Redistribute operator generator. :param variables: the continuous variables to be distributed :type variables: Field or array like of continuous fields. :param source_topos: candidate source mesh topologies (for each field the optimal source topology will be choosed) :type source_topos: Topology or array like of topologies, or dict(field, topologies) :param target_topo: target mesh topology for all variables (or per variable if a dictionnary is passed) :type target_topo: Topology or dict(Field, Topology) :param name: prefix for generated operator names :type name: string :param pretty_name: pretty prefix for generated operator names :type pretty_name: string :param base_kwds: Base class keywords arguments.

If None, an empty dict will be passed.


kwds – Keywords arguments that will be passed towards implementation redistribute operator __init__.


alias of RedistributeInter

exception hysop.operator.redistribute.RedistributeNotImplementedError[source]

Bases: Exception